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Build It Services Pty Ltd, is a multi-disciplined construction consulting firm that provides innovative proactive and experienced knowledge to service the needs to deliver complex projects on time and within budget. Having advised clients on over $100 Million in construction, Build It Services construction consultants have extensive, hands-on experience supporting a multitude of projects Australia Wide. Their diverse backgrounds allow B.I.S to offer its clients a unique perspective on the issues facing construction management professionals in this rapidly evolving industry.

With more than 23 years in the Construction Industry. I have dedicated my career life in learning this industry inside and out. From an apprentice carpenter to running my own Carpentry Business employing many Quality carpenters. To Site supervisor and Building manager of some of Australia's leaving construction companies.

I now aim my sights on improving building and development companies profit margins. By introducing better construction methods and materials usages. Educating supervisors and detailing plans are just a small part where Build It Services help save build time and money.

We make it a priority to offer flexible services to accommodate yours need.